Having a healthy body image is a big part of your child's health. From a young age, children are blasted with messages. A lot of these messages are about what their bodies should look like. This often leads to unrealistic standards and bad self-esteem. As a parent, it is crucial to push for body positivity in your children. That way they can develop healthy self-esteem. In this blog post, you’ll take a look at why promoting positive body image is important. You will also get tips to support your child's journey towards self-love, as recommended by the Mental Health Foundation.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormone disorder that affects reproductive-age women. According to the Office on Women’s Health PCOS affects 1 in 10 women. However, even though this is a common disorder it remains not well known. In this blog, you will take a look at the causes, symptoms, and management options for PCOS. As noted and recommended by the Office of Women’s Health and the Mayo Clinic.
What is PCOS?
No one likes being sick. This is especially true when you come down with the flu. The flu can spread very quickly and is far worse than the everyday cold. However, there are steps you can take to boost your immunity. That way your chances of getting the flu are reduced. In this blog, you will get tips recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to enhance your immune system.
Being a kid should be a time of joy, growth, and learning. However, for some kids, it can also be a time of sadness. Childhood depression is a serious condition that can affect a child’s growth. Along with their academic performance and overall quality of life. That is why it is crucial for you as a parent or guardian to know the signs of childhood depression.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the year 2020, there were 36,000 deaths caused by falling for people 65 or older. There were also 3 million emergency room visits due to falls. Falling can have serious outcomes for seniors. They can lead to fractures or head injuries. However, even though falls can be dangerous they are preventable. They can be prevented with simple changes made to your life. As well as your home. It is all about being aware of potential hazards.
In recent years there as rise in popularity of smoking alternatives. These are substitutes like vaping. Vaping has sparked many different debates in regards to health. To some it as seen as the “healthier” version of smoking cigarettes. However, it still negatively impacts your overall health. As well as your oral health. Both smoking and vaping can have really bad effects on your mouth, teeth, and gums. Thus leading to serious oral health issues later on. In this blog you will take a look at all the different ways smoking and vaping can harm your oral health.