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Dental implants

A dental implant is the best solution for a missing tooth (or teeth). Dentist all over the word recommend this procedure to patients because it is simple, virtually painless, and efficient. The main advantage of dental implants is being able to perfectly replace lost teeth. The patient won't notice the difference between his natural teeth and the implant. It avoids having to wear prosthesis, and with proper care it will last forever.

Cosmetic Dentistry

La odontología cosmética incluye diversos tratamientos dentales centrados en mejorar el aspecto de sus dientes y su sonrisa en general. Hay distintos procedimientos dentales cosméticos, como empastes dentales, adhesivos dentales, blanqueamiento dental, carillas dentales, carillas, implantes dentales, coronas dentales, ortodoncia, remodelación de encías, puentes dentales, contorneado dental, fundas dentales, endodoncia, cirugía estética de la encía, reestructuración de dentaduras, por solo citar algunos.

Dental x-rays and cleanings

Dental X-Rays are pictures of the teeth and surrounding bone that dentists use to evaluate and diagnose problems that could be present on patients' teeth and cannot be detected by a simple oral examination. With X-Rays dentists can diagnose cavities, fractures, tooth decay, bone loss, gum disease, infections, tumors, etc.

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