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Setting Your Sights on a Healthier Tomorrow: Making Your Health Resolutions for 2024

The promise of a fresh start is here! 2024 is right around the corner! What better way to embrace it than by setting health resolutions that pave the way for a bright future? Making resolutions isn't just about temporary fixes. It's about creating habits that lead to a lifetime of health. At Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc., we believe in giving you the tools to put your health first. In this blog, we'll help you through the process of setting meaningful resolutions.

Reflecting on the Past Year

Holiday Harmony: Balancing Indulgence and Nutrition for a Healthy Feast

 The holiday season is a wonderful time filled with joy, family, and a lot of tasty food. At Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc., we know the importance of having holiday traditions. As well as enjoying the flavors of the season. However, with the parties, we also know about the value of making good choices. The choices that put the well-being of your body and soul first.

A Yearly Health Tune-Up: Simple Steps for Well-being

Medical Tests to Get Done Annually

Caring for your health is a way of taking care of yourself. It's like doing something nice for you that helps you feel good and stay strong. Just like anything valuable your body needs regular attention to stay in good shape. Getting these yearly tests is a way to make sure everything is okay. As well as to catch any potential problems early. Let's look at which tests you should get done annually to stay fit.

Blood Pressure Check

Embrace a Healthier You: Discover Transformative Lifestyle Changes

Healthy lifestyle changes

Change is never easy. It can be hard and tiresome. With that being said, why would anyone want to change? Surely your daily routine is helping you get through the days. But wouldn’t you rather conquer your day and feel better overall? Rather than simply “getting through them?” Let’s see the different ways you can make little changes in your daily life, so you can live a healthy lifestyle. These tips are suitable for all ages and are designed to help you achieve a happier and healthier you!

Pump Up Physical Activity


Clinicas del Camino Real, Incorporated

Health Outreach

At Clinicas, we believe in the power of healthy communities.  Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond our clinic walls. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the health and happiness of the neighborhoods we serve. That's why we have a dedicated Health Outreach Team – a bridge that connects us to you, fostering wellness and forging lasting connections.

We organize a wide range of events, workshops, and initiatives tailored to meet the unique needs of our community. From Health Education seminars to wellness screenings and preventative care campaigns, we're here to empower you with knowledge and support.


Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.

Educational Presentations & Screenings

From health education seminars to wellness screenings and preventative care campaigns, we're here to empower you with knowledge and support. You can also request event attendance below.

Community Presentations

• Stress Management
• Diabetes
• Childhood Oral Health
• Family Planning
• Clinicas Services
• Nutrition and Healthy Eating

Screenings Available

• Dental
• Auditory (Hearing)
• Blood Pressure
• Height, Weight, BMI
• Vision
• Blood Glucose(Sugar)

Protecting Yourself from Cervical Cancer: Why You Need a Pap Smear

What is a Pap smear?

A Pap smear is a crucial test that can help save your life. As vital as it is, it is also a very simple test. A Pap smear is a test that checks for cervical cancer, human papillomavirus (HPV), and sexually transmitted infections (STI). Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that can affect a woman’s cervix. Which is a part of the reproductive system. Getting a Pap smear helps healthcare providers find any problems early on, so they can be treated before they get worse.

Why should you get a Pap smear?

'Tis the Season to Get Injured: CAREPLUS Has You Covered

As the leaves start to change, the temperature starts to drop, and as coffee shops start to roll out their festive pumpkin spice lattes and sugar cookie cold brews it can only mean one thing! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season! Families come together this time of year to observe many different holiday events! It is a time of joy, thankfulness, love, and giving. With you racing to the store to grab a turkey or a new toy for your kids it’s easy to be distracted. Leading to an accident or two. Mistakes are bound to happen.

Your Health Story: Exploring the Past to Shape a Healthy Future

Your Health Story: Exploring the Past to Shape a Healthy Future

Your health can be made by many things in life. One factor can be your family health history. Health history is full of vital information. It can give you a look at your own health. Let's explore the importance of knowing your family's health history and learn what you can do to use this helpful information for a healthier you.  


Health History.

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