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Preventing Childhood Obesity: Building Healthy Lifestyles for the Whole Family

Childhood obesity has become a large public health concern worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), childhood obesity is a huge health problem in the United States. It affects 1 in 5 children. This issue is caused by different factors. These factors are genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices. You and your family have the power to stop childhood obesity. Along with promoting overall well-being. Let's explore some strategies informed by CDC recommendations to create a healthy lifestyle for you and your kids.

Empowering Smiles: The Impact of Pediatric Oral Health Care

As a parent, you have so many jobs. You need to make sure your children feel safe, loved, and protected. It is not easy but you do all you can for them because you love them. The best reward for this is seeing their beautiful smiles light up a room. The secret to those beautiful smiles is pediatric oral health care. This is a huge part of a kid’s overall health and well-being. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cavities are the most common chronic disease in children in the United States.

Infant Care

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc

Infant Care

Welcome to the world of parenting with Clinicas' Infant Care Program. This class is designed to provide new parents with the essential knowledge and support needed for the care and well-being of your precious little one. Led by our experienced Health Education team, our classes cover a range of topics including newborn feeding, sleep routines, diapering, and overall infant health. Whether you're navigating parenthood for the first time or seeking updated information, Clinicas is dedicated to offering a nurturing space where you can learn, share experiences, and build confidence in caring for your newborn. Let us guide you through the joys and challenges of early parenthood. At Clinicas, we prioritize the health and happiness of both you and your baby, ensuring a supportive start to your parenting journey.

Nutritional Counseling

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc

Nutritional Counseling

Take the path to optimal health with Clinicas' Nutritional Counseling Program. Our program is designed to guide you towards making informed and sustainable choices for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Led by our Health Education Team, our counseling sessions provide personalized advice, evidence-based strategies, and practical tips to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Whether you're aiming for weight management, addressing specific dietary concerns, or simply seeking to improve your overall wellbeing, Clinicas is here to support you on your nutritional journey. Join our program to receive individualized guidance, learn about mindful eating habits, and cultivate a positive relationship with food. Your health is our priority at Clinicas, and we're committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools needed for a nourished and thriving life.

Pre and Postnatal Care

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc

Pre and Postnatal Care

Take on the incredible journey of motherhood with Clinicas' My Baby and Me Pre and Postnatal Care Classes. Our comprehensive classes are tailored to support expectant and new mothers in every stage of pregnancy and beyond. Led by compassionate Health Education Team, these sessions cover a range of topics including prenatal nutrition, childbirth preparation, postpartum care, and newborn health. Whether you're a first-time mom or expanding your family, Clinicas is dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and support needed for a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy experience. Join our nurturing community, connect with other expectant mothers, and receive personalized guidance to ensure a smooth transition into motherhood. At Clinicas, we prioritize the wellbeing of both you and your baby, and we're here to accompany you on this extraordinary journey with care and expertise.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Prioritize your sexual health with Clinicas' Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Awareness and Prevention One on One Class. Designed to empower individuals with knowledge and promote responsible sexual behavior, our informative sessions cover a range of topics related to STIs. Led by our experienced Health Education Team, these classes provide comprehensive information on STI prevention, safe sexual practices, and the importance of regular screenings. Whether you're seeking to protect yourself or aiming to understand more about STIs, our classes offer a non-judgmental and confidential space for discussions. Clinicas is committed to promoting a healthy and informed community by equipping individuals with the tools needed to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Join us in taking proactive steps towards preventing and managing STIs for a fulfilling and responsible approach to your sexual well-being.

Smoking Cessation

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc

Smoking Cessation

Take control of your health and start on your journey towards a smoke-free life with Clinicas' Smoking Cessation Program. Our program is designed to support individuals in their efforts to quit smoking and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Led by experienced Health Education Team, our smoking cessation classes provide evidence-based strategies, behavioral support, and personalized guidance to help you overcome the challenges of quitting. Whether you're a long-time smoker or just beginning your journey to quit, Clinicas is here to empower you with the tools and knowledge needed to break free from tobacco addiction. Take our one on one class, share your experiences, and let us guide you towards a smoke-free future. Your well-being is our priority at Clinicas, and we're committed to helping you achieve lasting success in your journey to quit smoking. 

Family Planning

Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc

Family Planning

Start on the journey of family planning with Clinicas' Family Planning one on one Health Education Class. Our comprehensive one on one classes is designed to provide valuable information and guidance on making informed decisions about family planning. Led by our knowledgeable Health Education team, these classes cover a range of topics, including providing contraceptive options, fertility awareness, and reproductive health. Whether you're exploring options for starting a family or seeking guidance on spacing pregnancies, our Family Planning Class offers a supportive environment to discuss concerns, receive personalized advice, and access essential resources. At Clinicas, we prioritize your reproductive health and are committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools needed to make confident choices for your family's future. Join us in taking proactive steps towards a healthy and well planned family life.


Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc


Learn how to manage diabetes with Clinicas' Diabetes Health Education Class. Our comprehensive classes are designed to provide valuable information and guidance on understanding and controlling diabetes. Led by our knowledgeable Health Education team, these classes cover a range of topics, including blood sugar monitoring, medication management, meal planning, and lifestyle modifications. Whether you're newly diagnosed or seeking support in managing your diabetes, our class offers a supportive environment to discuss concerns, receive personalized advice, and access essential resources. At Clinicas, we prioritize your metabolic health and are committed to empowering you with the knowledge and tools needed to make confident choices for a healthier future. Join us in taking proactive steps towards managing diabetes and improving your overall well-being.

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