National Men’s Health Week is part of a national campaign which begins June 10th and ends on Father’s day June 16th 2019, with the goal of raising awareness of preventable health problems and encouraging early detection and treatment of disease among men. Men’s Health Week is built on the pillars of Awareness–Prevention–Education–Family, with the understanding that recognizing and preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issue. Because of its impact on wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, men’s health is truly a family issue. Clinicas understands that when compared to similarly-aged women, men are less likely to have a regular doctor and health insurance and are more likely to put off routine checkups or delay seeing a health provider after experiencing symptoms. Clinicas hopes to change this.
Clinicas CEO Roberto S Juarez said, "Clinicas provides high quality healthcare for all members of the Ventura County community that walk through our doors. By placing an extra focus on men’s health through this week of focused events, Clincas hopes to raise additional awareness about the importance of routine checkups and self-care for men".
Clinicas will join the week-long celebration by hosting events throughout the week at each of its 15 Health Centers. This week gives Clinicas staff an opportunity to encourage men from our community to seek regular medical care and early treatment for disease and injury. Please join Clinicas in this celebration!