For the second year in a row, Clinicas Del Camino Real, Inc. has been recognized as a National Quality Leader by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Quality Leader recognition is based on performance information submitted annually through the Uniform Data System. Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc. is one of just 47 health center grantees to have achieved National Quality Leader recognition out of over 1,300 in the Country.
National Quality Leader recognition is awarded by HRSA when health centers exceed Healthy People 2020 goals or other quality benchmarks in the areas of Chronic Disease Management, Preventive Care, and/or Perinatal/Prenatal Care. For the award year, Clinicas exceeded goals for the following measures:
- Chronic Disease Management
- Appropriate Asthma Treatment
- Hypertension Control
- Coronary Artery Disease and Lipid Therapy
- Ischemic Vascular Disease and Aspirin Therapy
- Preventive Care
- Adult and Child/Adolescent Weight Screening
- Tobacco Use and Cessation Intervention
- Perinatal/Prenatal Care
- Early Entry into Prenatal Care
- Low Birth Weight
“Clinicas is thrilled to have received this recognition and are making additional measures in Chronic Disease Management and Preventive Care focus areas for improvement in the coming year,” says Clinicas Chief Medical Officer, Gagan Pawar, MD. “Measuring our population health along Healthy People 2020 goals and other benchmarks is a great tool for Clinicas to identify areas of achievement and for improvement. We are very happy to receive this recognition as we thrive to provide the best care to our patients and are motivated to reach additional clinical benchmarks,” says Roberto S. Juarez, CEO.
Clinicas is a non-profit organization operating 13 health centers and 3 mobile units across Ventura County since 1971. The mission of Clinicas is to provide quality, comprehensive, and preventive health care services to the County’s community at rates that are consistent with ability to pay.