Mental health matters! In today’s day and age the importance of mental health awareness and support are vital. However, for minority groups that is not always the case. This is especially true for those who face systemic barriers and discrimination. Mental health issues remain a complex and often overlooked issue in minority groups. By learning about minority mental health issues you can learn how to create a safe space. A space that is more inclusive and supportive for all. In this blog, you will get to learn about minority mental health, as discussed by the American Psychiatric Association.
Stigma: One of the biggest issues at hand when getting mental health support in minority groups is the stigma. In many cultures, mental health issues are viewed in a bad light. Typically it is seen as a sign of weakness. This can lead people in minority groups to suffer in silence. Instead of getting the help they need. This stigma is often caused by a mix of cultural norms. These norms usually favor strength and reliance. This makes it harder for people to accept their struggles and push their mental health to the side. This is because they do not want to seem weak to their peers. When this happens a lot of things can occur. The main being that it makes it harder for people to get the help they need.
Challenges: Minority groups often face unique challenges. These issues can add to mental health stress. These challenges are often the result of different experiences. These can be things like racism, poverty, language, and less access to care. As a result, these individuals are at a higher risk of having mental health disorders.
Education: Education also plays a big role in breaking down stigma. To end the stigma there needs to be lessons taught. It is vital to teach culturally sensitive information about mental health. As well as talking about the resources available. All while giving more treatment options to minority groups. That way people can have the power to take control of their mental health. Mental health is a universal issue for everyone. Knowing and embracing diversity is vital. It is key to knowing the special experiences and needs of minorities so that change can start to happen.
Access: A large issue with helping minority groups with getting the mental health care they need is access to services. These groups don’t always have the same chance to get the same resources as others. This is especially true when it comes to mental health services. This inequity needs to change. This change can happen by having more mental health services. Specifically, in underserved areas. Along with having more providers who speak different languages. That way providers can meet the needs of their diverse patients.
Allyship: Being an ally is very important. Even if someone does not identify with a minority group they still can help. Allies can advocate for people from minority groups who might not always have the same opportunities as others. Allies can be from inside or outside minority groups. Allies can use their privilege to help others who might not have as much support. Being an ally is like being a part of a team. A team whose goal is to strive towards equity.
Visit Clinicas
It is time to take mental health issues seriously for all groups. Clinicas del Camino Real, Inc.’s Mental Health Director Dr. Sandra Alvarado speaks from her own experience when she says, “For someone from a minority community, getting culturally competent care can help someone struggling with mental health issues manage the challenges and stigma that are associated with seeking this care." This means that finding support that understands your cultural can make a big difference in getting help. Take Dr. Alvarado's advice. Reach out for the support when you need it. . Be an ally or break the cycle. Take the first step towards prioritizing your mental health! You can do this by visiting Clinicas. The Clinicas Mental Health team is here to support you and guide you to a healthy and bright future.